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Minor amenity features eligible for validation


The technical specifications of the canopy for validation and corresponding minor works items are listed in Part 4 of Schedule 3 of the Building (Minor Works) Regulation (B(MW)R). The works must be in existence or completed before 1 September 2020.

The prescribed building or building works item


The prescribed building or building works items 15

Corresponding minor works item


  1. Projecting from an external wall of a building over an entrance to the building, projects
    ≤ 2m from the wall
  2. No additional load to any cantilevered slab
  3. Not constructed of concrete
The prescribed building or building works item


The prescribed building or building works items 16

Corresponding minor works item


  1. Projecting from an external wall of a building, projects
    ≤ 500mm from the wall
  2. Distance between the highest point of the canopy and the roof (if the canopy is above a roof) or the ground (in any other case)
    > 3m
  3. No additional load to any cantilevered slab
  4. Not constructed of concrete

There are other types of the canopy specified in Part 2 of Schedule 3 of the B(MW)R that may still be validated if it is in existence or completed before the implementation of the Household Minor Works Validation Scheme on 31 December 2010. For details, please refer to the Household Minor Works Validation Scheme.
