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Common Conditions and Requirements

The following tables contain the common conditions and requirements that may be imposed during approval and consent for specific structural materials/components and structural forms/construction methods and for enhancing site safety supervision as referred in Appendix A of PNAP APP-162 and circular letter dated 28 March 2024:

Table A: Common conditions and requirements imposed in approval letter for structural materials/components

Table A: Common conditions and requirements imposed in approval letter for structural materials/components
Type of Structural Material/Component Current version Note 1 Previous version(s) Note 2

1. General Requirements

a.Foundation Works
SE-SC1 (5-2023)
b.Foundation Works with Significant Geotechnical Content
SE-SA20 (9-2020)
c.Sheet Piling/Pile Wall/Diaphragm Wall/Excavation and Lateral Support Works
SE-SC2 (5-2023)
d.Superstructure Works and Structural (Alterations and Additions) Works
SE-SC3 (4-2023)
e.Superstructure Works and Structural (Alterations and Additions) (Miscellaneous)
SE-SC4 (4-2023)
f.Temporary steel platform erected on slopes/retaining walls for the construction of Foundations Works
SE-SC5 (4-2023)
g.Superstructure works involving mobile plants and tower cranes
SE-SA31 (7-2024)

  • Anchor
  • Cementitious or Polymer Based Grout Bolt/Dowel/reinforcing Bar
  • Steel T bolt/Cast-in Channel

a.Cementitious or Polymer Based Grouted Bolts/Dowels/Reinforcing Bars Works
SE-SA19C (12-2023)
b.Drilled-in Anchors used for Cantilevered Structure/Hanger/Curtain Wall Remedial Works
SE-SA19A (12-2023)
c.Drilled-in Anchors used for Works other than Cantilevered Structure/Hanger/Curtain Wall Remedial Works
SE-SA19B (12-2023)
d.Steel T Bolts with Cast-in Channels used for Curtain Wall/Cladding Works
SE-SA27 (12-2023)

3. Elastomeric/Mechanical Bearing

Elastomeric/Mechanical Bearing Works SE-SA28 (1-2024)

4. Mechanical Coupler

a.Type 1 Mechanical Couplers for Steel Reinforcing Bars
SE-SA24A (1-2021)
b.Type 2 Mechanical Couplers for Steel Reinforcing Bars
SE-SA24 (1-2021)

5. Reinforced Concrete

a.Cantilevered Reinforced Concrete Structure Works
See Table B item 3 ---
b.High Strength Concrete Works (Concrete Grade higher than C60)
SE-SA1A (4-2022)
c.Precast Concrete Works
See Table B item 13 ---
d.Prestressed Concrete Works
See Table B item 14 ---
e.Reinforced Concrete Works
SE-SA1 (4-2022)

6. Stone Cladding Panel

Cladding Works See Table B item 6 ---

7. Structural Glass

a.Curtain Wall Works
See Table B item 5 ---
b.Glass Balustrade/Glass Canopy/Glass Wall/Skylight/Window/Window Wall Works
See Table B item 10 ---

8. Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel Works SE-SA3A (9-2020) SE-SA3A (2014_09)

9. Structural Aluminium

Structural Aluminium Works SE-SA18 (9-2020) SE-SA18 (2014_04)

10. Structural Steel

a.Structural Steel Works
SE-SA3 (12-2023)
b.Structural Steel Cantilevered Structures for External Use (such as canopy, signboard, curtain wall etc. with cantilevered elements)
See Table B item 18 ---

11. Tensile Fabric/Wire Rope and Terminations/Keder Fixing Device

Tensile Fabric/Wire Rope and Terminations/Keder Fixing Device Works SE-SA26 (1-2021) SE-SA26 (2014_05)
Note 1: Please ALWAYS refer to the version of the item as stated in the approval/consent letter.
Note 2: Previous version(s) since 2014 are provided for reference.

Table B: Common conditions and requirements imposed in approval letter for different types of structural forms/construction methods

Table B: Common conditions and requirements imposed in approval letter for different types of structural forms/construction methods
Type of Structural Form/Construction method Latest version Note 1 Previous version(s) Note 2

1. General Requirements

General Requirements See Table A item 1 ---

2. General – Superstructure and Substructure

a.Basement Works
SE-SA11A (9-2020) SE-SA11A (2014_04)
b.Manhole/Petrol Interceptor/Grease Trap/Septic Tank/Cesspool Works
SE-SA11B (9-2020) ---
c.Pile Cap Works
SE-SA10 (9-2020)

3. Cantilevered Reinforced Concrete Structure Works

Cantilevered Reinforced Concrete Structure Works SE-SA12 (1-2021) ---

4. Channel Planking/Sheet Piling/Pile Wall/Diaphragm Wall/Grout Curtain Works

a.Channel Planking/Sheet Piling/Pile Wall/Grout Curtain Works
SE-SA8 (9-2020)
b.Diaphragm Wall
SE-SA8A (5-2021)

5. Curtain Wall Works

Curtain Wall Works SE-SA15A (4-2024)

6. Cladding Works

Cladding Works SE-SA13 (9-2021)

7. Demolition

Demolition Works
- for demolition works requiring the employment of Registered Specialist Contractor (Demolition)
SE-SA23 (1-2021)
Demolition Works
- for demolition works allowing the employment of Registered General Building Contractor/Registered Specialist Contractor (Demolition)
SE-SA23A (9-2020) SE-SA23A (2014_04)

8. Excavation and Lateral Support Works

Excavation and Lateral Support Works SE-SA9 (11-2022)

9. Foundation

a.Foundation Works (Driven Piles – Other than Precast Prestressed Spun Concrete Piles and Steel Bearing Piles)
SE-SA4 (9-2020)
b.Foundation Works - (Driven Steel Bearing Piles)
SE-SA4B (1-2023)
c.Foundation Works (Steel Bearing Piles Driven to Bedrock)
SE-SA4C (1-2023)
d.Foundation Works (Driven Precast Prestressed Spun Concrete Piles)
SE-SA4A (1-2023)
e.Foundation Works (Large Diameter Bored Piles)
SE-SA6 (12-2023)
f.Foundation Works (Mini-piles)
SE-SA5B (5-2021)
g.Foundation Works (Rock Penetration Composite Piles)
SE-SA5C (5-2021)
h.Foundation Works (Small Diameter Bored Piles)
SE-SA5 (5-2021)
i.Foundation Works (Socketed Steel H-piles)
SE-SA5A (5-2021)
j.Foundation Works (Spread Footings/Rafts) with Foundation Units Founded on Rock
SE-SA7A (5-2021)
k.Foundation Works (Spread Footings/Rafts) with Foundation Units Founded on Soil
SE-SA7 (5-2021)
l.Foundation Works (Steel Shear Piles)
SE-SA4D (9-2020)

10. Glass Balustrade/Glass Canopy/Glass Wall/Skylight/Window/Window Wall Works

Glass Balustrade/Glass Canopy/Glass Wall/Skylight/Window/Window Wall Works SE-SA21A (4-2024)

11. Glass Reinforced Polyester Water Tank Works

Glass Reinforced Polyester Water Tank Works SE-SA25 (9-2020) SE-SA25 (2014_04)

12. Ground Investigation Works in Scheduled Areas

Ground Investigation Works in Scheduled Areas SE-SA16 (9-2020) SE-SA16 (2014_04)

13. Precast Concrete Works

Precast Concrete Works SE-SA2A (5-2022)

14. Prestressed Concrete Works

Prestressed Concrete Works SE-SA2 (4-2022)

15. Retaining Wall Works

Retaining Wall Works SE-SA11 (9-2020)

16. Signboard Works

Signboard Works SE-SA22 (9-2020) SE-SA22 (2014_04)

17. Soil Nail/Rock Dowel Works

Soil Nail/Rock Dowel Works SE-SA17 (5-2021)

18. Structural Steel Cantilevered Structures for External Use

Structural Steel Cantilevered Structures for External Use SE-SA14 (9-2020) SE-SA14 (2014_04)

19. Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) Works

Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) Works SE-SA30 (5-2022) SE-SA30 (12-2021)

20. Anchorage System for Flexible Barrier Works

Anchorage System for Flexible Barrier Works SE-SA17A (6-2023) ---
Note 1: Please ALWAYS refer to the version of the item as stated in the approval/consent letter.
Note 2: Previous version(s) since 2014 are provided for reference.

Points to Note

  1. The common conditions and requirements should be read in conjunction with the approval/consent letter.
  2. Please refer to the applicable version as stated in the approval/consent letter.
  3. Authorized Person (AP)/Registered Structural Engineer (RSE)/Registered Geotechnical Engineer (RGE)/Authorized Signatory(AS) should carefully study and observe the conditions and requirements imposed in the approval and/or consent letter in discharging their respective duties and responsibilities under the Buildings Ordinance.

Updating of Information

The Administrator reserves the right to change, alter, add or delete, revise and update any information contained in the standard condition at such time and in such manner as it considers appropriate.

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