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Monthly Digests

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May 2024

Section 1 New Buildings

1.1 Plans processed by the Building Authority
1.2 Consent to commence works issued by the Building Authority
1.3 Occupation Permits issued by the Building Authority
1.4 Approvals of new and major revision building plans
1.5 Consent to commence general building and superstructure works
1.6 Notification of commencement of general building and superstructure works
1.7 Completion of new buildings and alteration & addition works

Section 2 Existing Buildings

2.1 Reports received about dangerous buildings, hillsides, advertising signs, unauthorised building works and defective drains
2.2 Statutory orders/notices issued on dangerous buildings, investigation on buildings defects, hillsides, buried services investigation, advertising signs, unauthorised building works, defective drains and prescribed inspection/repair for buildings/windows
2.3 Advisory letters issued on building defects, unauthorised building works and defective drains
2.4 Compliance with statutory orders/notices issued on dangerous buildings, hillsides, investigation on building defects, buried services investigation, advertising signs, unauthorised building works, defective drains and prescribed inspection/repair for buildings/windows
2.5 Compliance with advisory letters issued on building defects, unauthorised building works and defective drains

Section 3 Advisory Services

3.1 Advice to Licensing Authorities

Section 4 Prosecutions

4.1 Prosecutions instigated under the Buildings Ordinance, Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance & Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance

Section 5 Detailed Information

5.1 Buildings for which Building Authority has issued demolition orders
5.2 Buildings for which Building Authority has issued demolition consent
5.3 New buildings for which plans have been approved
5.4 New buildings for which consent to commence works has been given
5.5 New buildings for which notification of commencement of general building and superstructure works has been received
5.6 Completed new buildings for which occupation permits have been issued

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