Browse Categories
- Minor Works
- Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme
- Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme
- Building Records, Occupation Permits and BRAVO
- New Building Works/Alterations and Additions Works
- PNAP Forms
- PNRC Forms
- Signboards Validation
- Registrations - Building Professionals
- Registrations - General Building Contractor or Specialist Contractor
- Registrations - Minor Works Contractor (Company)
- Registrations - Minor Works Contractor (Individual)
- Other forms
Quick Guides for e-Forms
- System requirements
- Major features of e-forms
- Desktop forms
- Mobile forms
- How to attach files to e-forms?
- How to remove attached files?
- How to add e-Signatures?
- How to remove e-Signatures?
- How to submit specified forms (BO Case) to Independent Checking Unit under the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Housing by using email?
About online submission of electronic forms

- Buildings Department's new electronic forms are now available on our website ( You may fill-in the forms electronically anytime and anywhere (for example using a computer at your office or a mobile device on street). You may also submit most of our electronic forms directly through the Internet that can save you the cost of printing and delivery.
- When you use a computer to input the information on the desktop version forms, the information will be automatically saved to a QR code. It will ensure that the information can be correctly received by us for processing the application. You can also use the mobile version forms on mobile devices and save the draft temporarily to our server. Within 24 hours, you can use the desktop version forms to retrieve the draft and continue to complete.
- You are required to use digital certificate to sign the forms electronically for online submission. Once signed electronically, the information you filled in cannot be modified by others. The electronic forms submitted will also be encrypted to protect the information.