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Summary of new/revised Practice Notes

The Building Authority has issued the following new/revised Practice Notes which can be viewed/downloaded vide the link below:

June 2024

Practice Note No.
Code of Practice for Foundations 2017
The revised PNAP APP-18 incorporates amendments to the Code of Practice for Foundations 2017 in Appendix A4 involving relaxation of the founding criteria for Socketed Steel H-piles and Mini-piles.
Centralised Processing of Building Plans
The revised PNAP ADM-2 mainly covers the notification on the Results for Approval and Consent Applications for Structural Works in Electronic Form and the arrangement of electronic submissions of Fire Service Installations Proposal to Fire Service Department and plans to Lands Department after the implementation of Stage 3 of Electronic Submission Hub (ESH).
Minor Amendments to Plans and Specified Forms
The revised PNAP ADM-14 promulgates the outline of minor amendments to plans and specified forms in electronic submission through ESH. The amendments mainly cover (i) explaining the amended plans and specified forms submitted in “revised submissions” under ESH (ii) reminding the amended plans and specified forms have to be returned by the agreed date via the function of "revised submissions" under ESH.
Submission of Plans and Documents in Electronic Format
Submission of Plans and Documents in Electronic Format
The revised PNAP ADM-17 & PNRC 42 promulgate the implementation of Stage 3 of ESH. The amendments mainly cover (i) deletion of Appendix B (ii) highlighting the function of e-Workspace (iii) explaining the computation of statutory time period for e-submission.
Procedure for Payment of Fees on Submission of Plans Regulation 42 of the Building (Administration) Regulations
The revised PNAP APP-55 mainly covers the procedure for payment of plan processing fees on electronic plan submissions.
Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123) Specified Forms
Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123) Specified Forms
The revised PNAP APP-60 & PNRC 2 and their corresponding Appendices A mainly cover provisions of more specified forms available for online submission via ESH after the implementation of Stage 3 of ESH.
Protective Barriers
The revised PNAP APP-110 provides samples of acceptable protective barriers and has the corresponding textual update.

May 2024

Practice Note No.
Essential Information in Plan Submissions
The revised PNAP ADV-33 mainly covers updates to the appendices B3 and B11 as well as addition of new appendix B12.
Buildings to be Planned for Use by Persons with a Disability
Regulation 72 of Building (Planning) Regulations
Design Manual: Barrier Free Access 2008
The revised PNAP APP-41 promulgates the Design Manual: Barrier Free Access 2008 (2024 Edition) with amendment to the Design Manual (2021 Edition) in Appendix I.

April 2024

Practice Note No.
Building (Construction) Regulation
The revised PNAP APP-53 updates the standards/technical criteria on design and construction, as well as workmanship and testing of commonly used building materials acceptable by the Building Authority.
Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013
The revised PNAP APP-142 promulgates amendments to the Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Concrete 2013 (2020 Edition).
Residential Care Homes for the Elderly and Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities
The new PNAP APP-172 sets out the facilitating measures to encourage provision of residential care homes for the elderly and residential care homes for persons with disabilities in private developments.
Innovative Building Materials and Technologies
The new PNAP ADV-38 promulgates setting up of a new pre-acceptance mechanism for innovative building materials and technologies.

February 2024

Practice Note No.
Curtain Wall, Window and Window Wall
Curtain Wall, Window and Window Wall
The revised PNAP APP-37 mainly covers new guidelines on record keeping and use of spare glass panes.
The new PNRC 84 promulgates the standards commonly used for the design and construction of curtain wall, window and window wall.
Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Glass 2018
The new PNAP APP-171 promulgates the "Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Glass 2018" (the Code) which incorporates amendments made to the Code in July 2020 since the first publication of the Code in 2018 and covers textual updates to the contents and the annex.

January 2024

Practice Note No.
Testing of Drainage Works Regulation 73 of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations
Testing of Drainage Works Regulation 73 of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations
The revised PNAP APP-58 and PNRC 11 update the standard for testing of drainage works pursuant to Regulation 73 of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations. The associated forms applying for testing of drainage works and certifying completion of testing of drainage works have also been updated.

December 2023

Practice Note No.
Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong
The revised PNAP APP-139 promulgates amendments to the Code of Practice on Wind Effects in Hong Kong 2019 (2019 Code) and the Explanatory Notes to the 2019 Code, and the requirements for wind tunnel test.
Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009
Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009
The revised PNAP APP-157 and PNRC 76 promulgate amendments to the Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009 (2021 Edition) which cover the basic values for assignment of the scale of works, recognition of academic courses, professional qualification and supervision experience; and the standard forms of supervision plan with Annexes.
Calculation of Gross Floor Area and Non-accountable Gross Floor Area Building (Planning) Regulation 23(3)(a) and (b)
The revised PNAP APP-2 promulgates the 100% GFA concession for private and public car parks of not more than one aboveground floor on the condition that a minimum of two underground carparking floors which fully utilise the site are provided at the development.

November 2023

Practice Note No.
Enhanced Design Standards of Aboveground Drainage System
The revised PNAP APP-164 allows application for modification of Regulation 30(2)(b)(ii) of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations to permit the anti-syphonage pipe to be connected with the branch soil pipe or branch waste pipe at a point not more than 750 mm from the trap outlet.

October 2023

Practice Note No.
Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings 2004
Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings 2004
The new PNAP APP-170 and PNRC 83 promulgate the amendments to the Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings 2004. The amendments in October 2023 mainly cover (i) provision of guidelines on precautionary measures at the interface between two adjacent demolition/construction sites; (ii) an enhanced safety precautionary measures for floor openings and free edges at buildings and structures; (iii) an enhanced control on conveying debris through floor openings; and (iv) revision of the requirements on method and procedures for the demolition of exterior column.
Strength Tests for Structural Fixings in Concrete
The new PNAP APP-169 provides a set of pre-accepted method statements for carrying out strength tests for structural fixings in concrete.

September 2023

Practice Note No.
Projections in relation to Site Coverage and Plot Ratio - Building (Planning) Regulations 20 & 21
Sustainable Building Design Guidelines
Essential Information in Plan Submissions
The revised PNAPs incorporated the associated revisions to dovetail the implementation of the new mechanism mentioned in PNAP APP-151.
Building Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment
The PNAP APP-151 is revised to promulgate an enhanced mechanism for Gross Floor Area (GFA) concession. Under the new mechanism, the cap on GFA concession for new development projects is maintained at 10%. To be eligible for GFA concession, development proposals will have to achieve a specific rating under the BEAM Plus. The new requirements are applicable to all new General Building Plans (GBP) or major revision of GBP for development proposals submitted to the BA for approval on or after 30 June 2024, and to GBP which have been previously disapproved and are resubmitted for approval on or after 30 June 2024.

August 2023

Practice Note No.
Code of Practice for Foundations 2017
The revised practice note incorporates amendments to the Code of Practice for Foundations 2017 that have been promulgated, introduces required conditions for adopting the presumed allowable values given in GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 53 and updates on design, construction, administrative and procedural requirements relating to foundation works.

July 2023

Practice Note No.
Calculation of Gross Floor Area and Non-accountable Gross Floor Area Building (Planning) Regulation 23(3)(a) and (b)
The revised PNAP APP-2 promulgates the incorporation of 100% GFA concession for aboveground ancillary/public carparks required to be provided under lease for (i) subsidised sale/rental flats accepted by the Government and to be provided by Hong Kong Housing Society or Urban Renewal Authority and (ii) Government accommodation.
Hotel Development
A new Appendix A is provided in the revised PNAP APP-40 which stipulates the provisions of back-of-house and front-of-house facilities in hotel developments for the purpose of hotel concession under regulation 23A of the Building (Planning) Regulations.

Summary of new Circular Letters

The Building Authority has issued the following new circular letters which can be viewed/downloaded vide the link below:

June 2024

The Circular Letter announces the implementation of Stage 3 of Electronic Submission Hub on 30 June 2024.

May 2024

As a seasonal reminder, the Circular Letter provides guidelines on rodent-proofing design in new buildings and mosquito/rodent prevention and control measures in construction/demolition sites.
The Circular Letter announces that the Buildings Department will issue the result letters for approval and consent applications for structural works in electronic form in reply to paper submissions.

April 2024

The Circular Letter serves as a seasonal reminder to the registered building professionals and contractors to pay special attention to the prevention measures at construction sites in respect of safety of scaffolding and tower crane as well as flood prevention.

March 2023

The Circular Letter announces the new mandatory requirement on the adoption of two measures of Smart Site Safety System, namely the unsafe acts/dangerous situation alert system for mobile plant operation danger zone (Mobile Plant Alert System) and unsafe acts/dangerous situation alert system for tower crane lifting zone (Tower Crane Alert System), to provide qualified supervision of building works involving the use of mobile plants and/or tower cranes.

January 2024

The Circular Letter reminds prescribed building professionals (PBPs) and prescribed registered contractors (PRCs) to submit the notices of commencement and certificates of completion of MW in accordance with the regulatory requirements under the Minor Works Control System. Late submissions will be returned to PBPs or PRCs before acknowledgement of the MW submissions.

December 2023

The Circular Letter announces an alternative arrangement on the inspections of simple structural steel elements by the quality control supervisor at the fabrication factories in the Mainland.
This circular letter reminds industry of refraining from offering gifts or advantages of any kind to officers of the Buildings Department.

November 2023

The Circular Letter reminds the registered building professionals and contractors of their roles and responsibilities on compliance with the Buildings Ordinance concerning erection of unauthorised building works.

September 2023

The Circular Letter serves to remind the Registered Inspector (RI) if there are UBW within the scope as described in paragraph 3.7.1 of the Code of Practice for the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme and the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme 2012 (2023 Edition), RI shall inspect and assess the UBW safety to determine whether they constitute an obvious hazard or imminent danger, and take appropriate follow-up actions during the course of inspection.
The Circular Letter reminds the registered building professionals and contractors to take appropriate actions after the extreme conditions to ensure public and site safety.
The Circular Letter reminds the registered building professionals and contractors to take appropriate actions to ensure safe use of vehicles with cranes during transportation for construction sites.

August 2023

The Circular Letter promulgates new assessment criteria on minor works contractor’s access to resources on the application for inclusion in Register.
The Circular Letter promulgates new assessment criteria on contractor’s access to resources on the application for inclusion in Register.
The Circular Letter reminds registered contractors and registered building professionals to ensure their bamboo scaffolds meet all safety requirements and to properly handle any rendering or concrete materials removed from external walls during repair works.

June 2023

The Circular Letter announces special arrangement on off-site witnessing foundation proof test.

May 2023

As a seasonal reminder, the Circular Letter provides guidelines on rodent-proofing design in new buildings and mosquito/rodent prevention and control measures in construction/demolition sites.

April 2023

The Circular Letter serves as a seasonal reminder to the building professionals and contractors to pay special attention to the prevention measures at construction sites in respect of safety of scaffolding and tower crane as well as flood prevention.

Reports of Non-conformities and Major/Serious Site Incidents in Construction Sites

(For use by authorized persons or authorized signatories of the registered contractors as required under the Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009 (2021 Edition))


General Building Plan Calculators

General Building Plan Calculators
GFA and SC calculation (Excel template)
GFA and SC calculation (Sample)
Standards of Sanitary Fitments (Excel template)


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