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Minor works

Minor works related to sub-divided flats

Erection of any non-load bearing block wall, Laying of any solid floor screeding, or Erection or Alteration of any aboveground drain for the purpose of subdivided units in a flat is covered in MWCS since 3 October 2012.

Erection of Non-load bearing block wall, Laying of solid floor screeding, or Erection or Alteration of aboveground drain in a flat

Erection of Non-load bearing block wall, Laying of solid floor screeding, or Erection or Alteration of aboveground drain in a flat
Minor Works Item Description
Class I
Erection of non-load bearing block wall, laying of solid floor screeding, erection or alteration of aboveground drain in the subdivision of a domestic flat into 3 or more rooms, at least 3 of which are provided with lavatories or other sanitary fitments, and the resulting number of such rooms is greater than that shown on the original approved plan.

Formation or Alteration of Opening to the enclosure of any staircase

Formation or Alteration of Opening to the enclosure of any staircase
Minor Works Item Description
Class I
Formation or alteration of any opening to the enclosure (other than a load bearing wall) of any staircase that is used as a means of escape or a means of access for firefighting and rescue or its protected lobby.

Erection of Non-load bearing block wall

Erection of Non-load bearing block wall
Minor Works Item Description
Class I
For both domestic flat or non-domestic flat
Aggregate length of additional wall per m2 of the floor area of the flat
  • > 0.1 m for domestic flat or
  • > 0.2 m for non-domestic flat;
not fall within the item 3.39 or 3.40.
Class III
For domestic flat
Aggregate length of additional wall per m2 of the floor area of the flat
  • > 0.1 m but ≤ 0.3 m
Class III
For non-domestic flat
Aggregate length of additional wall per m2 of the floor area of the flat
  • > 0.2 m but ≤ 0.4 m

Thickening of floor slab in a flat by laying solid screeding

Thickening of floor slab in a flat by laying solid screeding
Minor Works Item Description
Class I
For both domestic flat or non-domestic flat
Thickness of the screeding
  • > 25 mm
not fall within the item 3.41 or 3.42.
Class III
For domestic flat
Thickness of the screeding
  • The density of the screeding ≤ 650kg per m3
    • > 25mm but ≤ 75mm; or
    • > 25mm but ≤ 150mm (if the aggregate area of the screeding is not more than 1.5m2 within a floor area of 10m2 of the flat and the nearest horizontal distance between each of the area of screeding is not less than 2m)
  • The density of the screeding > 650kg per m3 but ≤ 1200kg per m3
    • > 25mm but ≤ 45mm; or
    • > 25mm but ≤ 100mm (if the aggregate area of the screeding is not more than 1m2 within a floor area of 10m2 of the flat and the nearest horizontal distance between each of the area of screeding is not less than 2m)
Class III
For non-domestic flat
Thickness of the screeding
  • The density of the screeding ≤ 650kg per m3
    • > 25mm but ≤ 125mm; or
    • > 25mm but ≤ 200mm (if the aggregate area of the screeding is not more than 2.5m2 within a floor area of 10m2 of the flat and the nearest horizontal distance between each of the area of screeding is not less than 2m)
  • The density of the screeding > 650kg per m3 but ≤ 1200kg per m3
    • > 25mm but ≤ 75mm; or
    • > 25mm but ≤ 150mm (if the aggregate area of the screeding is not more than 2m2 within a floor area of 10m2 of the flat and the nearest horizontal distance between each of the area of screeding is not less than 2m)

Other Considerations

Requirements of Natural Lighting and Ventilation

Requirements of Natural Lighting and Ventilation

Please note that windows of adequate areas for natural lighting and ventilation should be provided to every habitable room, bathroom, lavatory or kitchen in order to comply with the requirements stipulated under the Building (Planning) Regulations.

Please noted that industrial buildings are not suitable for domestic use because industrial buildings are not designed for domestic use and thus are subject to requirements different from those applicable to domestic and composite buildings on various aspects, such as the provision of natural lighting and ventilation, open space, means of escape and other fire safety measures.

For more details, please refer to Section 3.24 of Technical Guideline on Minor Works Control System.

Further Details

Please refer to the following pamphlets and documents for reference:
