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Notices and reports


Joint Notice from Buildings Department, Electrical & Mechanical Services Department and Labour Department

Safety requirment for vehicle repair shops located in residential buildings (Chinese version only)

The Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 was published in gazette on 20 July 2012. This Ordinance amends the Buildings Ordinance introducing:

  1. Surcharge on defaulted works;
  2. Warrant for Building Authority's entry to premises or land;
  3. Penalty against persons who refuse to share cost of works by owners' corporation for compliance with statutory orders or notices issued under the Buildings Ordinance;
  4. Registered Inspectors to comprehensively report exterior unauthorized building works under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme; and
  5. Signboard Control System.

Item 1 to 4 above have come into operation on the gazette date. Item 5 above has come into operation on 2 September 2013.

Legislative Council Brief - Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2011
The Development Bureau has issued a press release introducing the key features of the Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2011. The press release can be read via the following link:-

New measures to further enhance building safety

Training Courses for Registration as Registered Minor Works Contractor (RMWC)

  1. The registration of minor works contractors in association with the introduction of the Minor Works Control System commenced on 30 December 2009.
  2. There are two training courses relating to the registration of minor works contractors :

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